To have development environment with JBOSS and Eclipse, need to install JBOSS Tools.
Installing JBOSS Tools plugin
In Eclipse, Help -> Install New Software. In “Work With” box, give Select ‘Abridged JBOSS Tools’. Click Next and Finish.
Setup JBOSS Server in Eclipse
In Eclipse Java EE perspective, right click on Server tab. New->Server. Select WildFly 9.x.
Click Next. In Java Runtime Home Directory, give JBOSS install directory (In my case, it is C:\tvi\Software\Installs\wildfly-9.0.2.Final).
Verify by accessing http://localhost:8180/ from browser.
Web App using Maven
Now, let us create a demo web app that will use deployment to JBOSS.
Maven Archetype
Use Maven webapp Archetype to create application structure/skeleton:
cd C:\tvi\Software\workspace_mars
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.techvalueinsight -DartifactId=JBossSetupDemoWebApp -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false
Update web.xml
Update src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\web.xml to desired servlet version. In the below example, Servlet 3.1 and Java EE 7 XML Schema, namespace is used.
<web-app xmlns=””
Update pom.xml
Update pom.xml to add servlet-api dependency:
Also add plugin specifying java version (as desired) inside <build>:
Create Folders
Create folders src/main/java, src/test/java and src/test/resources.
Import Maven project to Eclipse
cd C:\tvi\Software\workspace_mars\JBossSetupDemoWebApp
mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse
Open Eclipse with C:\tvi\Software\workspace_mars as workspace directory. File –> Import –> Existing Maven Projects. Root Directory C:\tvi\Software\workspace_mars. Select JBossSetupDemoWebApp
Note: If there are any changes are done to maven configuration after import to eclipse, right-click on the project in eclipse and select Maven -> Update Project.
Deploy web application to JBOSS
Start JBOSS server from eclipse. Right click Add the project JBossSetupDemoWebApp
http://localhost:8180/JBossSetupDemoWebApp (displays the index.jsp file that that got created by maven archetype)
Add Servlet
Let us add a sample servlet: File-> New –> Servlet
Create war file
To create a war file under target directory (to copy to another location etc.):
cd C:\tvi\Software\workspace_mars\JBossSetupDemoWebApp
mvn package
Accessing JBOSS Admin console
Need to add an user:
cd C:\tvi\Software\Installs\wildfly-9.0.2.Final\bin
Type of user: Management User
Realm: ManagementRealm
Username: <user name of your choice>
Password: <password of your choice>
group : none
Access Admin console using: http://localhost:10090/console (port 9990 is the default. Due to the offset of 100 , it is 10090.
Click on Deployments to see deployed apps (JBossSetupDemoWebApp in this case).